Health Benefits From Plant-based Diets

Thinking of switching to a plant-based diet, but don't know where to start? Or perhaps you're familiar with the term, but need a little help organising your weekly shop? Wherever you are on your journey, following a plant-based diet is as simple as prioritising plants on your plate.

The term is often used interchangeably with 'vegan', but in truth, veganism is just one example of a plant-based diet. Going plant-based simply means reducing the amount of animal products and processed foods you eat in favour of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Ready to get started? Lisa Simon, registered dietitian from Plant Based Health Professionals, and Toni Vernelli from Veganuary share their tips on going plant-based:

What is a plant-based diet?

Plant-based is a broad term with several different interpretations, but it's basically a diet centred around vegetables, fruit, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds, says Simon. A plant-based diet may exclusively consist of these foods, known as a 'whole-food plant-based diet'. Or, it may mostly consist of plant foods, with other food groups included periodically.

'Some people will include small amounts of meat and fish in their diet – flexitarians – while ensuring the main focus is on an increased intake of vegetarian foods,' explains Simon. 'Others will eliminate meat, but still eat fish, known as pescatarians. Some people will eliminate meat and fish but still eat dairy and eggs, known as vegetarians, while others will eliminate all animal products, known as vegans.'

Whether you choose to omit animal products and processed foods in their entirety, or decide to take a more generalised approach and make space for the occasional treat, going plant-based can bring so much variety to your diet as you're likely try vegetables and experiment with dishes you wouldn't have considered before.

This more positive approach can help you make the switch with enthusiasm and creativity in your cooking. 'There are hundreds of thousands of edible plants in the world, and we tend to eat just a handful,' says Vernelli. 'Going into your new plant-based diet with a sense of adventure and experimentation will make it much more exciting and rewarding.'

assorted vegetables in shopping basket

Maximilian Stock Ltd. Getty Images

The best plant-based foods to fill up on

While plant-based food sounds like it should automatically be healthy, not all food labelled plant-based is good for you. Wander down the meat-free isle of the super market and you'll find faux chicken wings, fish fingers and hot dogs – all labelled plant-based – and loaded with excess sugar and salt.

Replacing entire food groups solely with plants can also be problematic if you're not eating a wide enough array of foods. When adopting a plant-based diet, make sure you're aware of potential nutritional deficiencies – especially when it comes to vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are found almost exclusively in animal products.

As long as your diet is varied, you'll likely be covering all the bases without even thinking about it. But if you're not sure, here's how to get enough nutrients on a plant-based diet:

Plant-based protein

If you've chosen to cut down or completely cut out animal products, either way it's important to consume a source of protein with every meal. It's easier than you might think – the list of plant-based protein sources is long. Some of the best plant-based sources of protein include:

  • Tofu
  • Tempeh
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Black beans
  • Baked beans
  • Edamame
  • Seeds
  • Nuts and nut butters
  • Quinoa
  • Oats
  • Rice and grains

    Plant-based calcium

    Calcium requirements for the general population are 700mg daily for an adult, says Simon, although certain people need higher than this, such as people with coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, post-menopausal women and breastfeeding mothers. If you've been brought up to believe dairy is the primary source of calcium, you might be surprised to discover how readily available it is in plant-based sources.

    'There are a large number of plant-based foods that contain significant amounts of this mineral,' says Simon. 'One of the easiest ways to meet your calcium needs is by choosing fortified plant-based milks, as these contain the same amount per 100mls as dairy milk. By aiming for 400mls per day in tea, coffee or milky drinks, and on breakfast cereals or porridge, you will already consume approximately 480mg calcium, leaving only 220mg remaining for the day.'

    Sources of plant-based calcium include:

    • Fortified yoghurt
    • Almonds and almond butter
    • Tahini and sesame seeds
    • Leafy greens such as kale, okra and broccoli
    • Beans such as black turtle beans, kidney beans, soya beans,
    • Sweet potato
    • Butternut squash
    • Brown and white bread (added by law)
    • Dried fruit, such as raisins, figs and dried apricots

      Plant-based iron

      There are two types of dietary iron: haem iron, found in animal products, and non-haem iron, found in plant-based foods. 'Unlike haem iron, which is readily absorbed – but pro-inflammatory – non-haem iron needs a little help to improve absorption,' says Simon. You can do this by adding a source of vitamin C to the same meal.

      For example, if you are cooking porridge for breakfast, 'top with mixed berries or your fruit of choice,' she says. 'If you are having a sandwich with hummus, add in some red pepper and some salad leaves. If you are having a snack of some nut butter on toast, add in some sliced apple, or have a satsuma alongside.'

      Plant-based foods containing iron include:

      • Edamame beans
      • Lentils
      • Chickpeas
      • Beans
      • Tofu
      • Tempeh
      • Quinoa
      • Blackstrap molasses
      • Watercress
      • Dark green leafy vegetables
      • Nuts
      • Sesame seeds
      • Dark chocolate

        And when it comes to iron, it's not just about quantity. Certain dietary habits can also block absorption. 'Avoid drinking tea or coffee with meals and at least one hour either side, and avoid drinking wine with meals,' Simon advises. 'Calcium supplements also interfere with absorption, so if you have been prescribed these by your doctor, take in-between meals rather than at the same time.'

        Plant-based omega-3

        Omega-3s are essential fatty acids and it is important to obtain them from your diet. 'Many people believe oily fish are the best source of omega 3s – but actually, the fish get this from eating plankton that feed on algae, rather than the fish themselves being the source,' says Simon.

        'To obtain omega-3s from a plant-based diet, specific foods should be eaten on a regular basis. These include ground flax and hemp seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and leafy greens, as these are all converted to some degree by the body into omega-3.'

        The best sources of plant-based omega-3 includes:

        • Walnuts
        • Soya beans
        • Hemp seeds
        • Chia seeds
        • Rapeseed oil
        • Ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil
        • Leafy green vegetables (Brussels sprouts, kale and spinach)

          There are many ways to incorporate these foods into your diet, with breakfast being the easiest meal, Simon advises. 'Sprinkle 1-2 tbsp of seeds into your porridge, or crush six walnut halves onto your breakfast,' she says. 'You can also add seeds to your smoothie and even sprinkle them over avocado on toast. As omega-3s are not heat stable, only add at the end of cooking – so stir into your porridge once off the heat.'

          And if you'd rather take a supplement? 'Although there are no specific recommendations, I would advise looking for an algae-based supplement containing EPA and DHA – also known as the parent omega-3s – with a combined total of 400-500mg,' says Simon.

          Should you take supplements on a plant-based diet?

          While you can get almost all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy from a plant-based diet, if you've decided to cut all animal products out of your diet it's recommended that you take the following supplements:

          • Vitamin B12

          Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for the formation of red blood cells, nervous system regulation and heart health. 'Supplementing with B12 is mandatory on a plant-based diet as there are no direct sources,' says Simon. Some foods are fortified with B12, such as fortified nutritional yeast, yeast extract and fortified plant-based milks and yoghurts. 'A daily supplement, in addition to these fortified foods, will ensure needs are met and one containing at least 10mcg should be taken daily,' says Simon.

          • Iodine

          Iodine is an essential mineral needed for thyroid hormone production, and is found in abundance in fish, eggs, and dairy products. However, opinion is divided on whether iodine supplements are necessary in a plant-based diet. In a recent study, one-third of vegans had iodine levels that were lower than the World Health Organisation (WHO) threshold value for severe iodine deficiency.

          However, there is no easy way of knowing how much iodine is in land-grown plant foods. Marine plants like seaweed, kelp and nori often contain very high levels (kelp in particular), which can also be dangerous. 'Consuming excess iodine can lead to thyroid dysfunction,' says Simon. Adults need very little iodine, just 150 mcg a day. If you are thinking about taking this supplement, speak to your doctor.

          • Vitamin D

          The guidance for the general population during the winter months is to take 10mcg of vitamin D daily via a supplement, says Simon. However, certain groups may need to supplement all year around. 'These include those with darker skin, the elderly, pregnant women and those with less exposure to sunlight,' she says.

          The main dietary sources of vitamin D are animal products – though some dairy-free margarines, breakfast cereals and breads are fortified with it. 'The best source is sunlight – however the rays are only strong enough to enable the body to produce vitamin D between late March to late September,' says Simon. 'Therefore, it is sensible for everyone, not just those on a plant-based diet, to take a daily supplement between October and March.'

          The benefits of a plant-based diet

          The advantages of switching to a plant-based diet are tenfold, with advocates reporting a variety of health improvements, as well as a clearer conscience due to the reduced impact a plant-based diet has on the planet – and not forgetting the welfare of animals:

          ✔️ Disease prevention

          Research has shown that following a plant-based diet can prevent and even reverse chronic diseases. 'There is substantial evidence showing that a balanced plant-based diet reduces our risk of suffering some of the most common – and deadly – diseases,' says Vernelli, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's disease and some cancers.

          ✔️ Body benefits

          Plant-based diet fans have reported a number of body benefits. 'Some of the most common health improvements reported by Veganuary participants include a desired change in body weight, clearer skin, increased energy and better mood,' says Vernelli.

          ✔️ Environmental and ethical benefits

          Animal agriculture is one of the leading contributors of climate-changing emissions, says Vernelli. 'Animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5 per cent of human-induced emissions, which makes animal products more damaging than the exhaust from every car, plane, bus, truck, train and ship on the planet,' she says. 'It's also incredibly wasteful and uses vast amounts of land, water and energy, while giving us fewer calories back in meat, milk and eggs than is fed to the animals.'

          The impact of a plant-based diet

          If you decide to try a plant-based diet, don't underestimate the difference your individual efforts make – even if it's just over a short period of time, or you decide to have a certain number of plant-based days a week.

          More than one million people have completed Veganuary's one-month challenge since it began in 2014, says Vernelli. And according to statistics compiled by Dr Helen Harwatt at Harvard University, their collective impact has been huge:

          • 103,840 tonnes of CO2eq have been saved, equivalent to driving around the world almost 15,000 times.
          • 405 tonnes of PO43-eq (eutrophication) have been saved, the same as 1,645 tonnes of sewage.
          • 6.2 million litres of water have been saved, the same as flushing the toilet almost half a million times.
          • More than 3.4 million animals have been saved, according to the Vegan Society's Veganalyser calculations.

            Switching to a plant-based diet

            There is no right or wrong way to embark on a plant-based diet, and the way you choose to do so is entirely your decision. Some people like to make a complete overnight switch, while others prefer to make the move gradually, starting with one or two plant-based days a week.

            Once you've made the switch, you might be surprised how quickly you notice a positive difference, and this alone can motivate you to stick with it. If you find your motivation or enthusiasm starts to wane, here are a few tips on how to kick-start your new plant-based diet:

            1. Start with breakfast

            The easiest place to start is with breakfast, as this is the easiest meal to tweak, says Simon. 'For example, if you tend to have cereals, or porridge, the only item you usually need to change is the milk, and there are a huge number of plant-based milks out there,' she says. 'There are also a number of naturally plant-based options, such as peanut butter and banana on toast or baked beans on toast.'

            2. Be kind to yourself

            Manage your expectations and don't give up completely if you slip-up or fail when you're getting started. This is especially true if you have decided to follow a vegan or whole-foods plant-based diet. 'Everyone makes mistakes,' says Vernelli. 'Whether you ate something non-vegan accidentally or simply gave in to temptation, it's OK. Chalk it up to experience and move forward.'

            3. Keep it simple

            Don't overwhelm yourself by choosing complicated recipes with exotic ingredients that you can only buy in health food stores or online, says Simon. 'There are many simple plant-based recipes available online, or you can buy a recipe book to start you on your way,' she says. 'The most important thing is to look at what is out there, have fun scanning the supermarket aisles for new foods, and enjoy experimenting.'

            4. Persistence pays

            Shop around until you find the right foods for your tastes. 'Just because the first cheese you try or the first latte you make doesn't hit the spot, don't rule out all other plant-based cheeses or plant milks,' says Vernelli. 'There are so many different ones to try, so you'll soon find your perfect match.' And don't fear meat substitutes – they can be a lifesaver when you're first making the switch.

            4. Find your tribe

            It's easy to feel isolated when you first embark on a plant-based diet, but there are millions of people making the same dietary choices, says Vernelli. 'Find your local meet-up group and make like-minded friends in real life, or search online for groups that interest you, from runners, to bakers, to knitters, to weightlifters, to fashionistas, to activists,' she suggests. 'They're all there waiting for you.'

            Last updated: 30-12-2020

            Contributor Claire is a freelance writer specialising in health, fitness and wellbeing.

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            Health Benefits From Plant-based Diets


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